Hot Dogs: Watching for Heatstroke in Dogs

Hot Dogs: Watching for Heatstroke in Dogs

It’s getting hot here in Texas, as well as other places. That means more time outside, or more time seeking shelter from the sun in air conditioned comfort. Unlike us, dogs aren’t always the best at seeking shelter from the heat. They manage overheating by panting. They also have sweat glands in their feet pads that help with heat, but not much. Overall, their body temp can rise fast and if not handles, they can descend into heatstroke. They need your help to avoid that.

Avoid the Heat

First, address the heat in order to try and avoid this problem.

  • Start by limiting your time in the heat with your pet. It’s best for both of you not to stay out in high temperatures too long.
  • Make sure you both have access to plenty of water. Drink often.
  • Sit in the shade as much as possible if you have to be outside.
  • Bring fans and spray bottles. Spray yourself and your pet down every once in a while. The air on that water will help cool you both down.

Treat the Heat

In the event your dog does overheat, act immediately. In fact, you should act the moment you see signs (excessive panting, lethargy, strange movement, etc.)

  • Grab your dog and take them to water. Place them in a tub if possible, or douse them with a hose. Keep the head elevated when in the water.
  • Use a cold pack on their head.
  • Take their temperature often to make sure it’s going down.
  • Try to encourage extra drinking.
  • Check for signs of shock (weakness, pale gums, skin color changes, shallow and rapid breaths)

Of course, even if your dog seems to be recovering, take him or her to the vet immediately. There could be additional problems brought on by the heat that you might not notice right away. Your vet’s treatment will probably involve replacing fluids and minerals. They will check for secondary conditions and may even apply intravenous fluid therapy. Your vet may want to monitor the dog for a while to make sure everything is going well.

Let us help you through the seasons. From Spring, to steamy Summer to all other seasons; we’re here for you. Bring your dog to Pet Vet Hospital.

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