Hurricane Season Safety

Tips to Ensure Pets are Prepared for Hurricane Season

Hurricane season is here! It’s time to get your plan in order so you’re not caught unprepared. One of the most commonly overlooked things when planning for a hurricane is, unfortunately, pets. As part of your emergency preparations, it’s important to have an established plan, during and after the hurricane for pets as well. Here are a few tips that our staff at Pet Vet Hospitals wants you to know in order to ensure you and your pets are ready for hurricane season.

Tips to Ensure Pets are Prepared for Hurricane Season


Keeping pets vaccinated in case you have to shelter is essential. Whether you decide to send your pet to a boarding facility or they are evacuated to a shelter following a hurricane, maintaining their vaccinations ensures that they will be admitted and it is the best prevention against serious diseases. If possible, be sure to schedule a checkup with the veterinarian if you know a storm is on the way.


Remember to stock up on supplies, especially if you plan on riding the storm out at home. You should have plenty of food and fresh water available. To protect food from possible water damage, store it in airtight waterproof bags.  Additionally, it’s best to have at least one gallon of water per day available.  Consider storing at least five gallons of water for each pet.


It is critical that pets have current ID tags that include your name, address and phone number. Better yet, microchipping your pets are the best way to help reunify them should they be separated from you during the storm. Talk to your veterinarian now about microchipping your pet.  It’s the best way to aid in reunification after a storm.   It’s best to plan for a hurricane well in advance. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to take action when needed. Be sure to talk with the veterinarian for recommendations about local shelters in the case of severe storms and when stocking food supplies, don’t forget your pets.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

To learn more information about pet preparedness for hurricane season, contact Pet Vet Hospitals. You can call us at (281) 879-PETS to schedule an appointment today!

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