DIY Pet-Friendly Pest Control

DIY Pet-Friendly Pest Control

You probably already know how harmful pesticides can be for your pet and you. Many people have switched to all-natural brands and DIY pest control solutions. Of course, sometimes those pests continue to bite; let's face it, those nasty chemicals you once used sometimes just worked better. But, you don't have to go back; you don't have to return to pesticides and risk your pet's health, and your own.

There are pet-friendly pest control options out there, and many of them are DIY. Here are a few possibilities.

Natural, Pet-Safe Pest Control

All-natural is all the rage these days. There are many options on the market you can buy, like Wondercide Natural Indoor Pest Control and Simply Green Pest Control. However, you can make your own effective solutions with these little recipes.

1. DIY Mosquito Repellant

Mix the following natural oils:

  • Cedarwood
  • Lavender
  • Lemon balm
  • Geranium

You can mix these oils with clean, distilled water in a spray bottle. Not only does this help repel mosquitoes, but it smells great. You can use it everywhere mosquitoes hang out. Of course, oil and water need to be shaken well before each use.

2. Tick Repellant

This one is easy: ticks hate vinegar. All you need is white vinegar, water and a couple of spoonfuls of almond oil (this is also a good repellant). Mix well and spray. You can shake and spray anywhere around your home where ticks like to hide.

3. Planting Against Pets

There are plenty of plants that are safe for your pets, but annoying for pests. If you enjoy gardening, you can plant these and have a little extra help against summer pests.

Plant some:

  • Catnip
  • Peppermint and other mints
  • Basil
  • Lemon Balm
  • Rosemary

These herbs may annoy pests, but they are aromatic for you, and you can use them in many other ways, including cooking, making natural scents and more. Plus, they're safe for your pets.

4. All-Natural Flea Control

Of course, you want to avoid fleas at all costs, too. There are natural, DIY solutions for that, too.

You can create a simple spray to help fight fleas using little more than soap and water.

Mix the following:

  • Dish soap (Dawn is popular)
  • White vinegar
  • Warm water

You can spray this mixture on surfaces where you discovered fleas, including fabric items like rugs. The spray is simply too much for them to handle.

5. Send Ants Marching

When you see a line of ants, try this little trick to be rid of them at the source.

Just mix baking soda and powdered sugar. The sugar is what they love and the baking soda is what they cannot handle. They will take the mixture away to feed the colony, and the baking soda will do its job. It may take a while to work, but if you don't mind taking the time for the natural solution to work, you could see results in a couple of days.

You can also try Borax around the house to prevent ant problems; this is easy to find at a hardware store.

If you're concerned about chemicals in pesticides, give these natural solutions a try, first. Talk to your vet about all the possible pest control options and treatments that are safe for your pets. If you've come across any insects cause problems for your pet, come to Pet Vet Hospitals and let us help.

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